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srilanka-north20121217(8).JPGHabitat Japan is currently building hand-pump deep wells in Sannar, Sri Lanka.
This August, Habitat Japan started the investigation of the soil suitable to dig wells and specified the locations with the community leaders and the local residents. In addition, Habitat Japan requested technical officials from the Water Agency to detect a water vein and determine the depth of excavation. After the intensive investigation, the water vein was found at a depth of 14 to 21 meters.
Habitat Japan started to dig wells shortly after the investigation. Mannar is located in the coastal area of Sri Lanka so the operation had an additional assignment but well digging; making the separation of groundwater and seawater during the excavation. The operation started from rock drilling and casing. A jackhammer made a large hole to the water vain and a wide pipe was placed to be the well casing. Then mud was cleared from the well taking 30 minutes and a plastic valve was attached to the top of the pipe. Finally, a pump and a lever were placed and this is how one well was completed.
srilanka-north20121217(1).JPG srilanka-north20121217(3).jpg srilanka-north20121217(2).JPG srilanka-north20121217(4).JPG srilanka-north20121217(5).JPG srilanka-north20121217(6).JPG srilanka-north20121217(7).JPG srilanka-north20121217(10).JPG
The local children were very excited to see the work and they enjoyed triumph to have first clean water. Women surrounded around the well to be ready for washing their clothes with fresh water.
srilanka-north20121217(9).JPGMs. Denushan, a resident of Sannar
"My family and I were watching the well digging all the way through. We are very glad to finally have the well near my house because it was really hard to walk everyday to get water from the old well 1km away. I heard that groundwater is still muddy for a few days but soon I can use it for cooking. I cannot wait to cook for my family with this clear water. We will use it with care with my neighbors"
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