Project HomeWorks

Protecting existing homes: supporting a safe and secure living environment

Japan’s aging society began in the 1970s which was later accelerated by the declining birthrate and evolved into a “super-aging society” by 2007 with the aging rate exceeding 21% of the total population. At the same time, single-person households have also continued to increase. 27.4%, or more than one in four households, consist of the elderly living alone. Besides, elderly couples with no children or grandchildren make up 32.3% of households. Combined, 59.7% of households only have elderly people. On the other hand, relationships among residents are weakening due to the changing local communities. (Source: Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare “National Livelihood Survey “)


Some people are having to live without family members or friends nearby whom they can ask for help when in need. Habitat collaborates with local welfare offices, social welfare councils, health centers, and other organizations that work on local welfare and health initiatives to help improve the living conditions of the elderly and disabled people (home partners).


Habitat initiatives

Just as “clothing, food, and shelter” are considered key rights to a decent standard of living, a sufficient diet and rest are essential for a healthy life. Habitat is working to protect a safe living environment by providing services such as cleaning, moving heavy furniture to secure flows for daily living activities, and repairing broken furniture. We also deliver daily necessities such as bedding as needed. Deterioration of bedding is observed in living environments that need improvement. Maintaining bedding hygiene is essential for healthy sleep.


Partners supported by Habitat

Home partners that Habitat supports are primarily people who have difficulty accessing private services, eligible to receive welfare and other public assistance, and need improving their living conditions.


Partners who support Habitat

To “protect existing homes”, Habitat provides cleaning, repair, and bedding replacement free of charge to home partners who need to improve their living. Our ability to continue these services is enabled by the support of our volunteer partners. Additionally, charitable donations from companies, organizations, and individuals contribute to sourcing equipment needed for our activities and bedding exchanges.


Join Project HomeWorks!

Your support enables us to offer housing support for those vulnerable in need. Volunteers help improve the housing conditions but they also give a sense of connection. Our home partners are encouraged to find their social connections and to strengthen their self-reliance. Please join Habitat Japan Project HomeWorks to extend our helping hands for those people in need of decent homes.