Japan 2018/07/30 Youth leader workshop supported by Goldman Sachs took place 2018/06/11 Goldman Sachs collaborates with Habitat for housing support through volunteering 2018/05/31 Prologis’s IMPACT Day – A day of giving back with all employees – 2018/05/07 7 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake in Fukushima part 2 2018/05/07 7 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake in Fukushima part 1 2018/05/07 7 years since the Great East Japan Earthquake in Miyagi 2018/03/16 Youth charity futsal tournament to support an Indonesian community 2017/12/21 The day when a house becomes “home” 2017/11/09 J.P. Morgan joins hands with Habitat in Japan for the first time 2017/07/31 Goldman Sachs volunteers help 70 students build their leadership skills 7 / 18前のページ...56789...次のページ