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To help the people internally displaced by the civil war in Sri Lanka Habitat Japan has been building houses to get reestablished upon their return in Vaddakandal village of Northern Sri Lank since April of last year. Now the last round of 15 houses completed, Habitat Japan reached a new milestone of building 100 Habitat houses.
During the rainy season, some construction was temporarily halted and some supply deliveries were delayed. There were also times when the local government had some differences of opinion, and there were some problems that persisted. As hurdles were overcome one by one and problems solved step by step, the local staff and homeowners, as well as carpenters and stonemasons, banded together and continued working. Finally, we were able to complete the 100th "my home" dream house.
House is a foundation; it is something people cannot live a decent life without. Many of these people returned to their houses and, their decent lives, first time in quite a long time. The homeowners in Vaddakandal village had all been through a long and harsh experiences, but with Habitat houses they are able to make a fresh start in their lives. Now they can live everyday in health and peace, feeling a born-again hope for the future.
20120718SL.JPGcomment by one of the homeowners, Fatima (pictured at right), left a strong impression in the local staff's mind. She said "the most important thing in life for me is for my husband to go to work, my kids to go to school, and for me to see them off. When they come home, I am here to welcome them back". Her words truly reflect the warmth of "anma" (Tamil and Sinhala for "mother"). Her message was simple but illustrates just how important a house is to live as human beings.
Habitat Japan hopes to be able to continue to provide a door for homeowners to rediscover the hope in their future.
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