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20120423SriHomeowner2-2.jpgSabuhan started living in the Habitat's house from this February. It has been his dream to have his own store, and he made this dream come true with this newly built home.
Soon after moving into this house, he opened his store by using the part of the house. In the early morning he buys about 10kg of fresh fishes at the market. He sells half of them with riding his bicycle and dries the rest. Dried fishes are sold with other items such as bananas, peppers, gas oil, and light bulbs in his store. He works hard everyday for his family.
20120423SriHomeowner2-1.jpgSabuhan says, "I have started my own business, and with the stable income I can plan on saving for future. On next rainy season, I want to start having my own farm and would like to sell the vegetables from the farm. Thanks to Habitat's house, I am able to have peaceful and stable life. I have stepped forward for my future and am able to have my dream and plan it. This house was built with my family, and it will
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