April 5th
Relief goods
In this disaster response management, the Disaster Management Center can choose the goods they need from a relief goods list made by the Ishikawa social welfare policy section. The donor sends after they are asked. This is because in the previous disaster responses in Japan, it ended up costing too much to dispose of the leftover goods. However, this new system takes time for the relief goods to reach to the victims and too many relief goods would effect smaller local shops.
There is the need for heavy physical work, such as cleaning houses removing rubble. However, women who stay home alone feel more comfortable with a group of women volunteers. The local resources will be fully utilized from now on.
Temporary farm shut-dowm
Some had their farms affected and others had their houses damaged. There were at least 25 farmers who canceled their seedling orders. If the farms can be reconditioned by early May, rice planting can go ahead.
Wajim- nuri, Japanees Wajima lacquer
Lacquering must be done in a dust free environment, so many artisans used to work in home workshops. However, it is difficult to work now as many of the these homes were destroyed.
There was a tour bus that came to Noto for the first time after the earthquake happened. People say that the visitors are welcomed. It will help in the areas revival.
Building a multipurpose center (for psychological care)
The Komatsu group is going to build a multipurpose center for free near the temporary shelters at Monzen and Anamizu. This center will be used as a clinic, for health consultations, and for other purposes.
Certificate of damage level
It is said that the survey has been finished in Wajima City.
(This will be the final report from Kimiko Mimura from the disaster area. HFHJ will put up a final financial report on the site later. We greatly appreciate all the contributions and would like to express our deepest gratitude to all those who assisted and/or donated during the relief effort. We will continue to ask for more donations up to April 30. Thank you!)
◆Past reports:
- Noto Earthquake Relief: Sixth Report
- Noto Earthquake Relief: Fifth Report
- Noto Earthquake Relief: Fourth Report
- Noto Earthquake Relief: Third Report
- Noto Earthquake Relief: Second Report
- Noto Earthquake Relief: First Report
- Help Needed: Disaster Relief for the Noto Earthquake