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Noto Earthquake Relief: Fourth Report

200704041449-1.jpg April 3rd, 2007 Tuesday
1:15 p.m.
Got together with Stefano Tsukamoto, the National Director of HFH Japan, Mr. Kazuki Hongo and Ms. Hinako Okutsu, two volunteers from Aoyama Gakuin University, Mr. Suganuma from the AJU Wheel Chair Center, and Mr. Okamoto from the Monzen Disaster Management Center. Left for the Kenmin Gym, the evacuation center for the local victims.

1:30 p.m.
Arrived at Kenmin Gym. Unloaded the blue tarpaulin sheets and brought them to the tent for disaster relief goods. At the same time, helped load partition sets on to a city hall vehicle.

2:00 p.m.
At Monzen West Elementary School, put up two kinds of partitions so the evacuees could have more privacy. One partition was for the toilet, and the other was for changing clothes. Kazuki and Hinako worked hard to reassemble the original partition and transform them into one suitable for the toilet. Without their help, this would have not been completed. Finished at around 4:30 p.m.

Although the number of the volunteers has lessened, the number of construction workers has increased. I am glad that the entire Monzen drainage system is up and running again. The roads are cleared and in much better condition for use.

Most of the volunteers are members of the Junior Chamber International of Ishikawa prefecture. They arrived and worked in shifts. Students from the local community also worked as volunteers. The staff from the Kokuriku and Chukyo Councils of Social Welfare were there to help too.

◆Past reports:
- Noto Earthquake Relief: Third Report
- Noto Earthquake Relief: Second Report
- Noto Earthquake Relief: First Report
- Help Needed: Disaster Relief for the Noto Earthquake

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