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Noto Earthquake Relief: Fifth Report

200704041454-1.jpg Today (April 3rd), we woke up at 5:30 a.m. and left the lodging house at 6a.m.
At 7:45 a.m., we met Mr. Kurosawa from the Nippon foundation at Wajima station.

We helped carry out household effects from a totally destroyed house, and brought them to the storage area prepared by the local government. The owners of the house were inside when the earthquake happened. Although they did not get hurt, they told us that they were panicked and did not know what to do . Normally, the volunteers would not be asked to do this kind of task by the local government, but these kind of tasks are actually very needed at the disaster-hit area.

In this Noto disaster response management, the local government is the one in charge of the volunteer management, but this system does not work well. The government and non-government organizations must work hand in hand.

At 11:30 a.m., we met a coordinator, who was very familiar with Habitat, at the Wajima Disaster Response Volunteer Center. He suggested we talk with city hall, so we went there.

Just yesterday, Ishikawa prefetural Architect Association had opened the consultation window at the 2nd floor of the city hall. However, considering the fact that 47% of the victims are elderly, and there are more women than men, I believe those experts must walk around city and look the houses with their own eyes, rather than just wait at the city hall. I felt something was lacking.

In the afternoon, we met Mr. Suganuma from the AJU Wheel Chair Center, whom Mimura, our program director, has been working with. We set up the partitions together at the evacuation center. We finished at around 4:30 p.m.

Thanks for your contributions!
Thank you very much for the contributions given to the Noto Penisula disaster relief.
We will use them for the victims of Noto earthquake fairly, appropriately, and sincerely.
(These include the ones listed last time.)

March 30 Jesuit social center : 50,000 yen
March 31 Anonymous : 20,000 yen
April 2 Aya Ito : 10,000 yen
April 2 Haruyasu Se : 3,000 yen
April 2 Koichi Okutani : 10,000 yen

April 2 Cosmos Initia Co.Ltd.(Cosmos group)
Blue sheets to prevend the secondary damage : 250 sheets

◆Past reports:
- Noto Earthquake Relief: Fourth Report
- Noto Earthquake Relief: Third Report
- Noto Earthquake Relief: Second Report
- Noto Earthquake Relief: First Report
- Help Needed: Disaster Relief for the Noto Earthquake

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