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Noto Earthquake Relief: Second Report

align="right" hspace="5" vspace="5" /Below is a follow up report by Kimiko Mimura, Programs Director at HFH Japan.

Today (April 1), I interviewed the staff at Nanao City hall and Nanao's volunteer center at central Noto. The following are some quotes.

-Needs for volunteer staff-
There were some requests for help, but we were able to respond quickly with only local volunteers recruited in the city. The current needs are for experts. However, once the situation improves, new needs may arise, such as removing broken concrete from the populated areas. If the local volunteer forces are not enough to respond to the needs, then we will recruit volunteers from outside the area. We hope you can work in a flexible manner over the long term.

→ I asked them to contact Habitat Japan if there are needs after the situation improves. We agreed that we would like to be working flexibly and over the long term.

-Needs for the experts-
There aren't enough experts in architecture to check the houses. This lack of qualified experts results in taking more time to issue the proof required for insurance.
→ I answered them that I would talk with the Tokyo office and let them know later if there are any possibilities.

Thanks for your contributions!
Thank you very much for the contributions given to the Noto Peninsula disaster relief.

March 30 Jesuit social center : 50,000 yen
March 31 Anonymous : 20,000 yen

April 2 Cosmos Initia Co.Ltd.(Cosmos group)
Blue sheets to prevend the second disaster : 250 sheets

◆Past reports:
- Noto Earthquake Relief: First Report
- Help Needed: Disaster Relief for the Noto Earthquake

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