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Habitat for Humanity Japan (HFHJ) provided solar power generation system to assist the communities in the city of Ofunato, Iwate-prefecture, affected by the tsunami and the earthquake. The second phase of the project, which has now been completed, is targeted at four community centers.
仲区公民館 (1).jpgThe installation of solar system makes the four community centers self-sufficient in electrical power supply. The community centers are also able to sell the excess electricity under the feed-in tariff scheme, recently introduced by the Government. The funds raised by the sale will help the communities with the operation of the community centers and related services, such as electricity supply to the street lightings. Mr.Katayama, the leader of the community in Minami, Ofunato, told HFHJ that all the street lamps in his community were destroyed by the 2011 tsunami, but the community has not been able to pay for the repairs. With the assistance from HFHJ, the Minami community managed to purchase new lamps and the residents feel safe walking in the streets at night.
南区公民館 (3).jpgThe four community centers assisted by the HFHJ project also serve as the community evacuation centers in case of emergency. With the installation of the solar power generation system, the centers are now equipped to be self-sufficient in electrical power supply even when the main power supply fails.
When the East Japan Great Earthquake struck, the evacuation orders did not reach all communities in time.When the residents knew that the tsunami was approaching, it was too late for many of them to evacuate.One of the survivors told us how scared she was staying in her house without any information or lights due to power failure. She is now grateful to know her local community center has its own supply of electricity thanks to the solar power system. She said that she feels much safer living in her community.
The aim of this project is to support the local communities of Ofunato to gain self-sufficiency, which hopefully leads to building strength and resilience in the communities in the long run.
◆Back Number
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