Donate to Help Japan Rebuild! 
20120605Ofunato_yoshidasan1.jpgIn Ofunato, Iwate, Habitat Japan operates a project to rehabilitate individual houses damaged in the disaster. Mr. Choshichi Yoshida is one of the beneficiaries of this project.
On March 11th, when the earthquake struck, Mr.Yoshida thought there would be no tsunami as the sea was so calm. But his son recognized the critical situation that they were facing, and brought his parents to the evacuation center nearby. The tsunami even reached their feet at the center, and people let children evacuate further on to the roof top. Mr. Yoshida remembered the day and said, "at that moment I didn't feel any fear. But now I think I was actually in a great shock".
Next day, he went back to the place where used to be his home. The main house was drifted away by tsunami, and the terraced house next to it had severe damage on its ground floor. He covered up broken walls by plywood and plastic sheeting, and slept on the second floor. He got a wood stove from one of his acquaintances and managed to pick up a sink for kitchen and metal flames for window from the mountain of debris. He also found a source of water supply in mountain nearby and had pipes lay on his own. As handy as he may be, he was actually struggling to repair his house by himself.
20120605Ofunato_yoshidasan2.jpgOne day in January, he found out about Habitat Japan's program on Tokai Shimpo newspaper. With having its cost partially supported by this program, the rehabilitation started on April. The long house style structure had a very low heat detainment; the walls were installed to better insulate the house. Damaged floors were repaired to place tatami mats on top for a finish, then the rehabilitation process was completed in May.
Mr. Yoshida said "I am a fisherman and do not want to leave this house near the sea. Thanks to everyone's assistance, I was able to get the daily life I used to have back".
◆ Back Number
2012.05.29 Miyagi : Rebuiding a Home with Volunteers
2012.05.10 Miyagi : Rehabilitating the Community Center (2)
2012.05.07 Iwate : Storage Cabinets for Community
2012.04.26 Iwate : Habitat Japan featured on Tokaishimpo
2012.04.20 Miyagi : Rehabilitating the Community Center (1)
2012.03.22 Iwate : Flyer Distribution on its 2nd Stage
2012.03.13 Iwate : Program Flyers to 600 Families
2012.03.12 Iwate : Habitat Japan on Chinese National TV
2012.03.11 Rebuilding Japan Program Goes On
2012.02.24 Miyagi : Building a Gazebo for Community
2012.02.22 Miyagi : Painting Pictures of Hopes
2012.02.11 Miyagi : Volunteers are Back on Sites
2012.01.13 Miyagi : Winter Items for 1,338 Families
2012.01.11 10 Months after the Disaster
2011.12.23 Miyagi : Distribution of 2,400 Hot Carpets
2011.11.17 Habitat Staff Featured in Ofunato Newsletter
2011.11.05 Distributing 278 Futon Sets in Onagawa
2011.10.22 Support for Fishery Industry
2011.10.21 Campus Chapters Raising Funds for Tohoku
2011.10.20 Corporate Volunteer Teams
2011.10.12 Futon for the Disaster Survivors
2011.09.12 KLA-Tencor Donates over 3.7m yen
2011.09.12 First Volunteer Team in Ishinomaki
2011.08.14 Quarterly Report (Apr to Jun, 2011)
2011.06.30 Standard Chartered Raises over 32m yen
2011.06.30 Volunteer Recruitment Started! (July departure)
2011.06.13 Oakwood Tokyo Lends Support to 'Rebuilding Japan' Program
2011.06.07 Volunteer Stories
2011.06.06 Homeowner Story
2011.06.06 Reports from the Volunteers (June 4-5)
2011.05.20 Volunteer Recruitment Started!
2011.05.14 Disaster Response Team Started
2011.05.03 First Volunteer Team Finished Its Work
2011.05.02 "I Never Imagined that I Would Smile Again"
2011.05.01 What Habitat Volunteers Bring to the Victims
2011.04.30 Children Return to a Cleaned Gym
2011.04.29 Volunteers Taking Action in Tohoku
2011.04.28 First Volunteer Team Heads Out to Tohoku
2011.04.19 Toiletries Delivered to Ofunato city, Iwate
2011.04.13 Toiletries Delivered to Soma city, Fukushima
2011.04.10 Thousands Support HFH's Response in Earthquake-Hit Japan
2011.04.04 Campus Chapters Fundraise for Rebuilding Japan
2010.03.31 Donation from APP Japan
2011.03.14 Donate to Help Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Victims