Updates 2024/03/22 January Home Partner Story: Safe and Decent Homefinding 2024/02/20 Noto Peninsula Earthquake Report #3: Distributing Sleeping Mats to Evacuees 2024/02/01 Noto Peninsula Earthquake Report #2: Covering the Homes of the Elderly 2024/01/31 In Partnership with Barclays: Supporting Women’s Employment 2024/01/21 Noto Peninsula Earthquake Report #1: Supporting the Monzen-machi District in Wajima City 2023/12/26 [Save the Date: April 16th, 2024] Habitat Japan 20th Anniversary Gala 2023/12/22 【NOTICE】 Winter Holiday Office Closure 2023/12/11 November Home Partner Story: A bittersweet homecoming 2023/11/22 In Partnership with Barclays: Empowering Lone Mothers 2023/11/02 Holding the First Nationwide Training Camp in 4 Years: JCC Festa 2023 4 / 60前のページ...23456...102030...次のページ