About half of the consultations we receive for cleaning and tidying support through Habitat Japan’s domestic housing support program, “Project HomeWorks” are from elderly households aged 65 and over. Of those, most consultations come from single person households in situations where improving one’s living situation alone is difficult. We were contacted about Ms. Makino (alias), who lives alone in her 80s, through her case manager this April, and were able to support her this May.

Since her partner passed away more than 30 years ago, Ms. Makino has been living alone. As her legs and back weakened with age, she gradually began spending more time at home, often in her old and uncomfortable bedding. She considered installing a nursing care bed to help her sit up more easily, but she was unable to clear a space for it on her own so she gave up on the idea altogether.

The goal of Ms. Makino's volunteer session was to move furniture around and secure a space for a care bed. With the help of volunteers, the first step on the day was to empty out the contents of her storage. Inside a chest of drawers were neatly stored clothes that had been used and taken care of for many years. When we asked her what kind of work she did when she was young, she replied, “I worked in the art industry.” She happily told us that she still keeps several pieces of well-tailored clothes and antiques, and developed and eye for fine art through the years.

After removing all the contents of the chest and lifting it up to move it, we found that it was still quite heavy and difficult to carry. Volunteers and staff, communicating as they went, carefully moved the chest to the next room, freeing up the space needed for the nursing bed. The session was

After completing the activity, the care manager in charge of the project said to us, “There are many people like Ms. Makino in the community who, even in their old age, wish to continue living in the home where they’ve lived for many years rather than move into a home. We are grateful to have your help in creating an environment that facilitates her wishes.” So that everyone may have a safe and decent place to live and age in place, Habitat Japan continues offering cleaning and tidying support through Project HomeWorks.