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Habitat for Humanity Japan has decided to start an on-site assessment.
In the mean while, we have Mr. Taiki Yoshida from Groo've in Hiroshima sharing his stories, following the previous report by Ms. Ogawa.
A part of Asaminami is facing the mountain, where a massive landslide reaching for the station down the hill after swallowing the residential areas in process. Taiki says, "the areas from the mid part of the hill to the mountain side is closed for civilians. Houses in the area are covered in mud up to the second floor," reporting from the disaster hit neighborhood where people were busy clearing the mud and debris from their houses.
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While the rescue mission by the army and police is ongoing, Taiki gives helping hands and shared, "there are very few volunteers here but I see the importance in people understanding what is really needed before making any actions."
We are appealing for funds to support the initial response HERE. Thank you very much for your kind contribution.
◆Back Numbers
2014.08.23 【Hiroshima-3】 On-site Assessment to Start
2014.08.23 【Hiroshima-2】 Reports from the Ground (1)
2014.08.22 【Hiroshima】 Responding to Landslides