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【Hiroshima-2】 Reports from the Ground (1)

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Habitat for Humanity Japan is calling for your action to support our response to the Landslides in Hiroshima, which occurred on 20 August 2014. While we are preparing to conduct an on-site assessment to determine the needs of the victims and the ways to assist them, we are appealing for funds to support the initial response. * As of 23 August, HFH Japan has decided to start an on-site assessment.

In the mean while, we have received a report from one of our Campus Chapters named "Groo've" in Hiroshima. Members of this chapter are active participants in Habitat's disaster response projects in Tohoku and the Global Village program overseas.

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Ms. Ogawa, the leader of Groo've and lives in Hiroshima city, looks back at the heavy rain on the nights of the 19th through the 20th, "I was wondering if a typhoon was approaching." Yet the next day, the view from her home surprised her. "The road in front of my home was damaged so that we couldn't walk on it safely anymore." As she visited the neighboring Asaminami, one of the wards where landslides hit, "the damage the rain left, which I naively thought was due to a seasonal typhoon, scared me. How it could easily destroy houses made me truly scared for the lives of my family and friends," she shared.

Habitat Japan will continue to coordinate with the campus chapter while we gather information and prepare to conduct an on-site assessment. We are appealing for funds to support the initial response and appreciate your kind contribution.

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2014.8.22 【Hiroshima】 Responding to Landslides

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