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Habitat for Humanity Japan has decided to start an on-site assessment.
hiroshima_20140823 (3).jpgAccording to the city of Hiroshima, there are 42 deaths and 43 missing. In addition, 300 households sustained partial or total damages as at noon on 22 August. Furthermore, as many as 768 households or 1,760 people are in evacuation at the time of this writing.
In response, Habitat Japan has decided to start an on-site assessment on Monday, 25 August, in order to articulate the needs and determine the appropriate response.
We are appealing for funds to support the initial response HERE. Thank you very much for your kind contribution.
◆Back Numbers
2014.08.23 【Hiroshima-2】 Reports from the Ground (1)
2014.08.22 【Hiroshima】 Responding to Landslides