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homeowner_neelasenai_20110721(1).jpgEvery morning at 10 o'clock, 15 children from a nearby kinder garden visit Ms. Nandhiny's new house with their teacher. She makes a fire at the kitchen and serve them a cup of hot milk or milk tea as a voluntary work.
"Thanks to the house, now I can host the kids at the safe and comfortable place. Their visit makes me feel so happy," she talks with joy. Until the house was built, she treated the kids under the tree in the backyard. The house is very much liked by the children too, homeowner_neelasenai_20110721(2).jpgsince they no longer have to worry about the warms and bees.
Ms. Nandhiny started to live in a refugee camp in 1984 when she was 6. She has moved 5 times until now, living in tents and shelters made of materials like coconut leaves. During the period, she got married and gave birth to a baby boy. Last October, she returned to her home and stared a new life in her husband's land. The original house, however, was so small that sometimes entire house was filled with smoke from coking, since they had to use the same room as kitchen and bedroom. 
"I always dreamed of having a decent house. I'm so happy to live in the nice house like this with my family. I want to enlarge the house one day, by working and saving up money with my husband." Ms. Nandhiny talks passionately, with full of hope for the future.
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