Donate to Help Japan Rebuild!
Japan earthquake_Ofunato_20110408 (19).jpgHabitat Japan, in partnership with Habitat for Humanity International, is to dispatch a first volunteer team to Ofunato city in Iwate Prefecture. This is one of the heavily damaged area where 491 people are deceased or missing and 3,629 houses are completely or partially damaged, according to the government officials of Ofunato city.
The team will join with All Hands Volunteers, who also had a disaster relief project in Haiti, to remove debris and clean up the area. All members of this team were recruited from Habitat Japan's student groups (CC&CClub) as they all have experience building houses via the Global Village program. The team of 12 youths is to head out to Tohoku on April 28th after receiving a training, and work till their return on May 4th.
◆ Back Number
2011.04.19 Toiletries Delivered to Ofunato city, Iwate
2011.04.13 Toiletries Delivered to Soma city, Fukushima
2011.04.10 Thousands Support HFH's Response in Earthquake-Hit Japan
2011.04.04 Campus Chapters Fundraise for Rebuilding Japan
2010.03.31 Donation from APP Japan
2011.03.14 Donate to Help Japan Earthquake and Tsunami Victims