Global Village hosting countries and donations

We ask each participant of GV program to make a donation with the minimum amount listed below. The donation includes the house material cost to support housing needs of the hosting country and other program operational costs. It does not include transportation cost (airfare, etc) and other logistics costs (accommodation, meals, etc).

The minimum team size and other requirements are subject to change without notice due to the situations of the hosting countries.

Country Minimum Team Members Maximum # of Work Days Donation
Campus Chapter Members Regular
Cambodia 12 5 75,000


Vietnam 12 5 75,000


Indonesia 12 6 72,000


Philippines - - - -

*1 Hosting countries may close their doors to GV teams due to the local circumstances or security situations.

*2 We ask that teams that do not meet the minimum team member requirement cover each insufficient member's donation cost.

*3 The donation amount for Campus Chapters applies to those who belong to a Campus Chapter AND are full-time students at the age of 25 or younger. Students who do not belong to a Campus Chapter are asked to donate 5,000 yen more to the Campus Chapter donation amount.

*4 Chaperones of student teams are asked to pay an additional 5,000 yen on top of the Campus Chapter donation amount