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Habitat for Humanity Japan is calling for your action to support our response to the Landslides in Hiroshima, which occurred on 20 August 2014. While we are preparing to conduct an on-site assessment to determine the needs of the victims and the ways to assist them, we are appealing for funds to support the initial response.
* As of 23 August, HFH Japan has decided to start an on-site assessment.

According to the city of Hiroshima, there are 39 deaths and 52 missing. In addition, 267 households sustained partial or total damages as at noon on 22 August. Furthermore, as many as 795 households or 1,870 people are in evacuation at the time of this writing.

Currently, Habitat Japan is accepting donations at the accounts listed below.
Thank you very much for your kind contribution.


Donate Online

Account Number: 00100-2-278431
Account Holder: HFH Japan

Bank Name: Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank, Shinjuku-Nishi Branch Office
Account Number: 0155578 (Savings)
Account Holder: トクヒ) ハビタット フォー ヒューマニティ ジャパン

* Once the transfer is effected, please notify us via e-mail (info@habitatjp.org) or phone (03-5579-2556that your donation funds are meant for Hiroshima Relief with your name and contact information. 
