In April 2013, Hideaki Nakagawa joined Habitat for Humanity Japan as the National Director. He has been involved in the humanitarian assistance and international cooperation as a staff of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee (UNHCR) in Vietnam, Sri Lanka, and the former Yugoslavia. He has also served for two universities and several international NGOs.
Message from National Director
Habitat for Humanity Japan has been working since 2001 as a part of Habitat for Humanity International. Its main focus has been international projects, such as the Global Village, which have been supported by numerous volunteers and supporters like Campus Chapters. In response to the Great East Japan Earthquake and the following tsunami in March 2011, Habitat for Humanity Japan has also been engaged in the disaster recovery efforts in Japan.
Having been involved in international projects aimed at supporting communities and the most vulnerable as a staff of NGOs and an UN organization, I believe the non-profit and non-governmental activities of NGOs are the movement for a social change. Social injustice and inequity in our society are the results of our own doing. We deserve a better society and must work to make it better.
Habitat for Humanity Japan was incorporated in 2003. I am pleased and honored to celebrate its tenth anniversary this year as the National Director. As I accept this challenging appointment in this special year, I pray as my own prayer the Serenity Prayer by the theologian Reinhold Niebuhr:
God, grant us the serenity to accept the things we cannot change,
Courage to change the things we can,
And wisdom to know the difference.
Habitat's vision is to realize 'a world where everyone has a decent place to live.' Habitat Japan will continue to strive toward achieving this in Japan and elsewhere. I am looking forward to sharing the struggle and joy with the Habitat volunteers, supporters and staff members.
Hideaki L Nakagawa
National Director
Habitat for Humanity Japan
April 2013
News: Welcoming the New National Director