habitatceojanathanreckfordinjapan_20110914.jpgSeptember 14th, Habitat for Humanity International's CEO Jonathan Reckford visited Japan. Gathering almost 50 supporters and staff of Habitat Japan, we have organized a program report session. It has been four years since his last visit in 2007.
After the reporting session, Reckford expressed gratitude for the supporters and urged "disaster in Tohoku was such a tragety, but especially in the situation like this, Habitat must do its best to be of support for the survivors." On the other hand, he expressed the significance of the impact Japanese volunteers leave in Asian countries through the Global Village program.
Some participants shared "being in Asia, there is a support Japan can offer." The event reminded many about the important role and its responsibility placed upon Habitat Japan.
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2008.07.07 Lecture by Habitat's CEO, Jonathan Reckford