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The United Nations' sponsored Shelter Cluster estimates that 105,000 houses were destroyed and more than 208,000 houses were damaged as a result of the 7.0-magnitue earthquake. More than 1.3 million people are homeless or displaced. Now, shelter is one of the greatest needs in Haiti, especially with the rainy season which has already begun a month earlier than usual years.
Even as the third wave of shelter kits was being assembled in McDonough, distribution of the second round of kits was poised to begin in Haiti, with assistance from the United Nations, Save the Children and ADRA. This week's assembly near Atlanta will result in 13,250 more kits being shipped and distributed in the Port-au-Prince area ahead of the peak of the rainy season in May. In total, Habitat and its partners will distribute more than 21,000 kits - enough to help more than 100,000 survivors of the Haiti earthquake.

◆Back Number
2010.04.05 Test Builds for Transitional Shelters
2010.03.19 8,000 Shelter Kits Arriving in Haiti !
2010.02.17 Habitat Core Houses
2010.02.10 Multi-phase Strategy of Habitat's Response in Haiti
2010.02.05 Habitat Starts Distributing Emergency Shelter Kits
2010.01.26 Establishing Habitat Resource Centers
2010.01.21 Habitat's Response to Haiti Quake Relief
2010.01.14 Habitat Japan to Raise Funds for Haiti Quake Reliefs