From November 15-20, 2009, the Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Work Project united volunteers and families in need of decent, affordable housing in the Mekong region. Habitat built with nearly 166 families in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and China's Sichuan Province.
Project overview with a special video!
Chiang Mai, Thailand was the main host site for the Project. The Carters joined the Chiang Mai community, celebrities and approximately 3,000 volunteers including 15 devoted volunteers from Habitat Japan. During the week-long build, 82 simple, decent homes were built in partnership with low-income families in northern Thailand.
The Project and Habitat's subsequent five-year Mekong Build campaign will help lift thousands of families out of poverty through Habitat programs throughout the region.
Next year's JRCWP will be held in the United States. This Habitat's annual family event will go on and continue to tell Habitat aims at a world where everyone has a decent place to live around the world and how habitat volunteers are internationally connected to achieve it.