can see the short movies of Jimmy & Rosalynn Carter Work Project09 (JRCWP09) on You Tube!
You may be someone who will join JRCWP09, or someone who has been interested in JRCWP, or who has little interest in it so far. But whoever you are, you will grasp some images of JRCWP09 through the movies.

JRCWP09 in Thailand
Go to; 2009 Carter Work Project: Thailand
JRCWP09 in China
Go to; 2009 Carter Work Project: China
JRCWP09 in Cambodia
Go to; Another Step Forward: 2009 Carter Work Project
JRCWP09 in Vietnam
Go to; Landing on Hope
JRCWP09 in Laos
Go to; Big Family, Big Dreams
Also, If you are a JRCWP09's volunteer from Japan, access the movie below. You will understand that what kind of people you are giving a help to in Thailand.
Go to; Moving to Higher Ground: 2009 Carter Work Project
◆For more information of JRCWP09, please click here.