Habitat for Humanity Japan (HFHJ)'s Travelers with a Purpose (TWP) is a forum for people interested in travel and making a difference in the world to meet, socialize, and learn from each other. Each meeting focuses on a different theme related to travel, housing, and volunteerism. Meetings also provide opportunities for attendees to learn about upcoming HFHJ global house-building trips. The group meets the first Tuesday of every month and is open to everyone. Entrance is free. We look forward to seeing you there!
<Next TwP Meeting>
We will not have the TWP meeting in March as the most of Habitat Japan
volunteers will be on our GV:"Global Village" trip.
Our next TWP will be on April 14th. We're looking forward to meeting
and hearing from you about your GV experience in the next meeting in April!
【TWP meeting in April】
Lifelong learning. The difference between concrete and cement, what pad thai tastes like, and compassion for others are all lessons learned by a group of 25 high school students from Tokyo on their Habitat build to Korat, Thailand in February. Come to April's meeting and find out how this group of "kids" changed the future for two families, learned to rely on each other, and broke down social barriers not only with Thais but each other.
When: Tuesday, 14 April 2009.
Where: Ben's Cafe (Takadanobaba)
Topic: Lesson Learned. Reports from American School in Japan.
Looking forward to seein you at next TWP!