On August 15th, the meeting takes place at the office at Nakano, Tokyo.
The agenda consist on an issue from the last meeting which was about to approve the “Business Reporting and Financial Statements of FY2008” and the “Business Plan and Budget Plan of FY2009”. As a result, those were unanimously approve, so in the next general meeting on August 22nd, the “business Reporting and Financial Statements of FY2008” will be the subject of it and the “Business Plan and Budget Plan of EY2009” will be an information report.
During 2008 the volunteer program, our core business, continuing going very well and as a result the participants at Global Village Program in total are 776 persons(48 groups), more than the last year. At the same time, as a volunteer program inside the country there is the “smile operation” project which consists in clean or repair homes of elder people who lived alone around Nakano, Tokyo. After did a pilot program, we make a case study and attract the interest of people interest on it to can realize it. As the result of all of this, after three years we are run in the black.
For 2009 we will continue the volunteer program to raise business efficiency, having more people involved and increase the satisfaction of all the participants.