Japanese Comedy Duo "Suppon-Daigaku" held a charity comedy show named "Hato-Live" in Yoyogi, Tokyo on Nov 28th.
13 comedy groups and over 80 audiences joined the HATO-LIVE, and had a great laughs.
Gaku-san with "Suppon Daigaku" was the originator of this charity event, and he started organizing this event just after he joined Habitat's event "BANGLA" which Tokyo Campus Chapters successfully introduced Habitat's activities and poverty housing issues of Bangladesh, in Omotesando, December 2006.
About a year later, Gaku-san held the first HATO-LIVE with his partner, Daisuke-san and other comedians in Aug 2007. They contributed the profit over 80,000yen to Habitat Japan office to support our activities.
Suppon-Daigaku has organized HATO-LIVE and made donations to several different NGOs including Habitat Japan over a year.
Last HATO-LIVE on Nov 28th was their 11th HATO-LIVE, and they made donation 54,000yen to Habitat Japan.
Habitat Japan appreciates all comedians and audience joined on Nov 28th, especially Gaku-san and Daisuke-san for their sparkling and warm thoughts that they want to make a difference through comedy, and organizing this events.
Suppon-Daigaku will soon have their 12th HATO-LIVE on Dec 27th. Although it will be performed in Japanese, you are more than welcome to join their HATO-LIVE!
≫ HATO-LIVE :http://ameblo.jp/hatolive/
≫ Suppon Daigaku :http://www.suppondaigaku.com/