UT Habitat; Tokyo University students group for Habitat for Humanity seeks volunteers for restoring Dozo (Japanese traditional storage, made of mud and sand) with Wajima Dozo Restoration Committee in Wajima, Ishikawa prefecture.
Dozo are basically the possession of individual families, however they are a precious heritage for the society as a whole. Dozo reflects the distinguished culture of Wajima. As the Noto earthquake in March 2007, many Dozo were damaged and HFH JAPAN sent several volunteers to Wajima last year.
Previous Wajima Dozo Restoration activity can be seen on the web site, please visit our activity report.
Date : Nov 22 (Satday) ? 23 (Sunday), 2008 2days
Place: Wajima-city, Ishikawa prefecture
Participation fee: Accommodation:500JPY/night, and transportation fee.
Meals: self-catering
Organized by UT Habitat
■Registration:Please contact UT Habitat at ut_habitat@yahoo.co.jp by Nov. 9th.
*This is NOT Habitat for Humanity Japan led Project.
Please contact UT Habitat for more information and application.