Habitat for Humanity Japan has determined that it started volunteer operations which includes minor residential renovation and cleaning support for the socially vulnerable such as elders living alone. A pilot project got implemented with three volunteers participating on November 17, 2007.
This time, it was Mr. K’s home in Chuoh 1-Chome Nakano-ku, Tokyo on which some operations had been carried out. Mr. K is 70 years old and born in 1937. Ever since his legs had been injured by a fall-down in taking a walk about 1 month ago, he has been troubled by cleaning and shopping. This supporting project was put into operation because Habitat for Humanity recognizes the importance of house-renovation and cleaning in order to improve the living environment.Our three volunteers for this activity were, all from Kantoh Campus Chapter (CC), Kazuya Tominaga from Aoyama Gakuin University, Yasuka Arai from Kanda University of International Studies, and Ayuko Kurata from Meiji Gakuin University. We worked mainly on house pluming area (kitchen and restroom), responding to the requests from Mr. K. After two hours of clean-up and fixation, they became very neat. Having been a temple carpenter, he was delighted by knowing the activities the Habitat has been involved in.Habitat for Humanity Japan is supporting Mr. K periodically from now on.Moreover, in selecting the home of Mr. K, we had worked with a care support professional at the Higashi-Nakano Area-Comprehensive Support Center which is entrusted by the city of Nakano-ku with elder welfare activities. After this, we are planning on enlarging the network of volunteering activities in association with the Area-Comprehensive Support Center. We would greatly appreciate everyone’s active involvement with us.
**Volunteers from CC cleaning at Mr. K’s Home**