The 3rd time around for the Travelers with Purpose (TwP) meeting was just held on September 4th, and more and more people are getting inspired!! To keep up with the growing interest, we are setting up the blog space especially for the My Habitat, the organizer of "Travelers with a Purpose."
The contents of this blog will not be limited to the reports and announcements about the monthly TwP evenings, but also offers the events around Habitat and its vision, interviews and essays by the volunteers and people in the NGO sector and ideas from many of YOU - the travelers with the purpose in Japan.
It will be a complete bilingual space for people with diverse background to be connected. Cool logos and link banners would be available as well, so stay tuned to join the movement!
★What's My Habitat?
My Habitat (formally, My Habitat: Tokyo Global Mission) is a group of Habitat supporters aiming to raise awareness and involvement in Habitat’s activities in and around Tokyo. Feeling the urge to make a difference in the world while staying in Japan, it was established in April of 2007. Involving international society, it is scheduled to do some PR through magazines and flyers around Tokyo, organize monthly "Travelers with a Purpose" meetings and more!
★What's Travelers with a Purpose?
It is My Habitat organized monthly gatherings where those who are interested in Habitat's programs and the alternative tourism gather. Everyone including the Habitat volunteers and staff share their stories in a casual setting, enabling everyone to speak out. Every 1st Tuesday of each month, 7pm at the Pink Cow in Shibuya, free entry, no appointment needed.
☆October TwP: UN Habitat Day
Date: October 2nd, 2007
Time: 7PM and on.
Topic planed for the evening: introduction on the House Supporter Program, quiz and prize, exercise "Brick by Brick," story telling on the housing issues in the world.
Venue: Sibuya, Tokyo at restaurant The Pink Cow
Admission: Free! You can order your own food and drinks.
Language: English and Japanese