SMALL2_SlamID.JPGHabitat for Humanity is joining UN-Habitat and other partners, supporters and friends in a public proclamation to end poverty housing.
I n cities and rural areas around the globe, about 1.6 billion people, nearly one-fourth of the world's population, live in poverty housing or no shelter at all. It is an existence the other three-quarters of the world's people can barely fathom or choose largely to ignore. We believe that has to change, and we believe the most effective change begins with personal understanding.
Try to picture your own family living in a tiny, unventilated room where infants and adults alike struggle to breathe; or where disease-carrying insects and rodents infest earthen and thatch walls; or where roofs leak and mud floors are inescapable. Try to imagine being a parent or a child living in a place where simply obtaining safe drinking water for the family can require a daylong walk to the nearest well. Or try to imagine shelter being so costly there is no money left over for nutritious food or health care or reliable transportation to the only job you can find.
For the past three decades, the first Monday of October has been set aside to bring much needed attention to the scandal of poverty housing. This year, UN-Habitat, Habitat for Humanity and other organizations committed to worldwide social justice and human rights are joining forces to provide a louder voice for those too long unheard. On the occasion of World Habitat Day 2007, we are declaring the time has come to slam the door on poverty housing and open the door to a world in which everyone has the opportunity to live and thrive in healthy, affordable housing.
Join us. Make a noise so loud it can't be ignored. Add your name to those who are pledging their support to solving this scandal. Together, we can.
For the first time in history, 
over half of humanity is living in cities and towns. Since time immemorial, cities have been
centers of cultural and economic vitality. But today, one-third of the urban population?a staggering 1 billion people?lives in slums without adequate shelter, clean water or sanitation. If we factor in the condition of human settlements in rural areas worldwide, more than 1.6 billion people suffer some form of shelter deprivation.
As a direct result each year, up to 10 million people die from pre¬ventable diseases. Infants die. Children suffer at school. Parents cannot make ends meet. Families are robbed of the dignity every hu¬man being deserves. Yet too often their suffering goes unseen, their voices unheard.
On the occasion of World Habitat Day 2007, we, the undersigned organizations, declare that the lack of decent, affordable housing is unacceptable. Durable, affordable housing can and should be made a priority everywhere.
We call upon the citizens of our global village to take a stand against substandard shelter in our communities, in our countries, and in our world. Together we can slam the door on poverty housing and open the door to a world in which every¬one enjoys the stability, the security and the dignity of a decent, affordable home.
Endorsed by
Archbishop Desmond Tutu
Bread for the World
Catholic Relief Services
Church World Service
Counterpart International
Habitat for Humanity International
International Housing Coalition
International Medical Corps
Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter
National Peace Corps Association
ONE: The Campaign to Make Poverty History
Plan USA
Save the Children US
Women’s Edge Coalition
World Vision
World Concern
Visit to add your name to the proclamation