Habitat's Disaster Response: Jakarta Flood, February 2007.
Habitat Indonesia began reconstruction efforts for the flood victims on Feb. 17th, 2007. According to need assessment and family selection research they chose 5 families, whose floors are still covered with mud and have no place to sleep, as partners to begin initial efforts in the Begasi region.
Also, in Jakarta Habitat is planning to support the recovery of the 1,000 low income families. Though repairing 1 house costs only about 14,000 yen, it is a heavy burden for those families, leaving them in collapsed houses, fearing the continuous rain. Habitat Japan is now speaking out in an effort to gather donations in Japan to join Habitat Indonesia and many others in this recovery effort. Your kind support would be highly appreciated.
Account Number: 00100-2-278431
Account Holder: HFH Japan
Bank name: Mitsui Sumitomo Bank, Nakano-Sakaue Branch Office
Account Number: 4180738 (Savings)
Account Holder: トクヒ) ハビタット フォー ヒューマニティ ジャパン
* Once the transfer is completed, please notify us that your donations funds are meant for the Jakarta Flood Relief. Also, please include your name and contact information. Kindly note that more than 80% of your donation would be sent to Indonesia, but HFH Japan will deduct up to but no more than 20% for administrational costs.
Read more about the Jakarta Flood here.