Friends of Habitat and HFH Indonesia Kicked Off House Reconstruction Project for 1000 Families Affected by Flood
February 17, 2007, 30 friends of Habitat and HFH Indonesia started the house reconstruction project for 1,000 families affected by Flood in North Bekasi and North Jakarta.

The commencement of house reconstruction was carried out for the first five families in Desa Pulo Asem, Kecamatan Sukakarsa with help from friends of HFH Indonesia like General Electrics and Pundi Amal SCTV. The volunteers worked together in digging, flooring and building the walls of the houses.
Aside from helping house reconstruction, holistic assistance was also given to the community; free health treatment was provided by the Hope World Wide organization and free logistics assistance was donated by General Electrics and Chevrolet Trooper Indonesia.
Overall, to assist flood victims, the Jakarta Flood Disaster Response Project will focus on reconstruction of the houses for low-income families that were most severely damaged by the massive floods in the Indonesian capital. The assistance will spread 500 families in North Bakasi and another 500 families in areas such as Penjaringan and Tanjung priok in North Jakarta.

Your kind support would be highly appreciated.
Account Number: 00100-2-278431
Account Holder: HFH Japan
Bank name: Mitsui Sumitomo Bank, Nakano-Sakaue Branch Office
Account Number: 4180738 (Savings)
Account Holder: トクヒ) ハビタット フォー ヒューマニティ ジャパン
* Once the transfer is completed, please notify us that your donations funds are meant for the Jakarta Flood Relief. Also, please include your name and contact information. Kindly note that more than 80% of your donation would be sent to Indonesia, but HFH Japan will deduct up to but no more than 20% for administrational costs.