Project HomeWorks (PHW) is a domestic housing support program aiming to improve the living environment of those who find it difficult to tend to their space on their own due to old age, disability, and more through cleaning and tidying support. PHW is made possible with the help of volunteers including members of Habitat Japan’s university campus chapters, our corporate partners, and individuals. 

“I’ve been wanting to straighten up my house for a long time so I can invite my neighbors over. Before the volunteers came to help, my living and bedrooms were in a sorry state and unpresentable. Since the volunteers came, I think I’ll be able to have people over soon!” said Iwata-san (alias), a home-partner in their 70’s, with a smile. Habitat Japan has held four volunteer sessions at Iwata-san's home so far. 

Iwata-san came to Habitat Japan hoping for help cleaning up their room. Soon after that, however, they suffered a stroke which, in combination with another chronic illness, required them to be hospitalized. We eagerly awaited Iwata-san's discharge from the hospital, and we went to work immediately after they returned home in April. To prevent household falls and injuries, sessions began by clearing the floor to create pathways around the home and living spaces as a priority. A total of eleven volunteers have joined four sessions to date to help Iwata-san return to a safe and decent living space as soon as possible. 

On the fourth session, several youth volunteers who volunteered at Iwata-san's household returned one last time. This session’s focus was on cleaning out the home’s closets. Stored away were various celebrity memorabilia. Coincidentally, one of the student volunteers was also a fan of a particular star, making for cheerful conversation on their shared idol as they worked to tidy up. 

At the end of this July session, Iwata-san told us “Whether it’s a carer or volunteers, I’m embarrassed to be cared for by young people and to have people see this untidy house. But more importantly I wanted to see this place clean again, and that’s why I reached out to Habitat Japan.” They then said, “I’m so happy to have volunteers work so carefully to help me”.  


Project HomeWorks is a program that supports people like Iwata-san who want a fresh start from a clean and tidy environment but have difficult making it happen on their own. Habitat Japan is able to offer these cleaning and tidying services free of charge thanks to our generous supporters and volunteers. The next cleanup session for Iwata-san is planned for September. Click here to see our current volunteer openings and help those in need create safe and decent living environments.