*Habitat for Humanity Japan concluded its Nepal Disaster Relief donation as of Oct 31,2015. Thank you for your generous support.

[ Habitat for Humanity Japan is holding a reporting session for all interested parties. Sign up here]

A 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck 80km northwest of Kathmandu, Nepal shortly before noon on Saturday 25 April (local time). According to the government of Nepal, there are more than 2,000 deaths. Damages and deaths are reported in India and China as well, and the numbers are anticipated to rise as the reports continue to come in.

災害の次の日_避難の様子1.jpgCurrently, a staff member of Habitat for Humanity Japan is on the ground and establishing contact with local Habitat staff and monitoring the situation.

"Hundreds of people are evacuating including myself and those around me. Even in a short time while I was running to find a safe spot, I saw countless numbers of buildings that have crumbled to the ground. There have been several aftershocks and people seem scared and restless," the staff reports from Kathmandu three houses after the earthquake.

Habitat for Humanity Japan is working with Habitat Nepal and Habitat International to conduct assessments and determine the needs of the victims.

To accelerate the response in Nepal, Habitat for Humanity Japan is accepting donations at the accounts listed below. Thank you for your kind contribution and concern in light of this tragedy.


Donate Online

Account Number: 00100-2-278431
Account Holder: HFH Japan

Bank Name: Mitsubishi Tokyo UFJ Bank, Shinjuku-Nishi Branch Office
Account Number: 0155578 (Savings)
Account Holder: トクヒ) ハビタット フォー ヒューマニティ ジャパン

* Once the transfer is effected, please notify us via e-mail (info@habitatjp.org) or phone (03-5579-2556)that your donation funds are meant for Nepal Relief with your name and contact information.

Habitat for Humanity Japan have been working on a project in Nepal to retrofit houses with earthquake resistance technology (refer to【Nepal-1】). Please be informed that we will utilize donations received for the current emergency response in Nepal, as well as to provide houses that can save more lives in case of another disaster in this region.