Japan Hope Builders safely returned Japan, after completing its building activity which had started near Bangkok on Feb. 25.
local%20school.jpgThrough its 5-day-long building activity, the team members mainly made cement, carried sand and cement by relaying buckets, built walls by piling up cement blocks and dug holes for toilet. On the 2nd day of work, the team members visited a local elementary school and were welcomed by atraditional drum march performed by the students. They had a joyful time, watching Muythai (the boxing peculiar to Thai), and other traditional Thai dancing demonstrated by the students and enjoying together the recreational activities of each country.
Blessed with good weather, the work moved ahead steadily and was almost completed with only windows/doors and electricity and water system unconstructed. During the building activity, Mrs. Pantip who works at a local elementary school and Mr. Subin, her daily-labor husband also joined; both of them taking day offs. Also, Mr. Korn, 73-year-old Pantip's father, joined the work. Korn who had worked for a cement factory helped us make cement and joined the bucket relay.
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At the start of the activity, they managed to communicate each other using gestures, failing to make themselves understood through language. But they gradually learned words of each other's country little by little and Korn who had understood nothing about English started to see the team memers off, saying "Tomorrow, tomorrow!", maybe meaning "See you tomorrow again."
On the final day, Panthun Thani community leaders also joined the house dedication (a ceremony in which the house is handed over to its new owners from the Habitat volunteers), presenting a memento to the team members. While, they gave folded cranes which had been brought from Japan to the Pantips, the home owner, carpenters and all the involving staffs. (The folded cranes include not only those made by the team members but also those made by the participants of Global Festa held in Tokyo last fall.)
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Korn whose only English word had been "tomorrow" surprised not only the team members but also his family members by saying "Thank you very much, everyone." in English. Maybe he had been practicing this greeting in secret. Then, carpenters and Habitat staffs also brought out guitars and pipes and played, singing a Thai song which expressed the love for home and travel;" People start for a travel in search for something, while thinking about "home" where they finally return. But watching full moon at home, they again want to go on a trip in search for something."
At a farewell, many of the team members broke into tears, but finally they parted, promising a reunion, with the family saying "Please stay here at this house we built together when you come here again!!" and the team members saying "We will surely come back to see you again!"
The "Japan Hope Builders" team is planning on accepting applications next summer (August, September). Please take this opportunity to volunteer with us as it is normally difficult to volunteer as an individual on a Habitat GV(overseas building activity). Details will be announced on our website in June.
◆Related Reports on Japan Hope Builders 09-1 spring
≫Japan Hope Builders 09-1 begins the work in Bangkok!
≫Japan Hope Builders 09-1: Departs for Bangkok!
◆Past Team Reports since 2008:
≫Japan Hope Builders 08-1 summer completed the work!