Charity OHANAMI Picnic was held at Yoyogi park in Tokyo on March 21st, 2007.
Thank you all those who supported and joined us!
The event aimed to "gather 120 people under cherry trees to raise fund for building a house in Bangladesh." As the admission fees are used toward Habitat's work through the House Supporter Project, it was one fun way of getting involved.
It felt like we were back in the winter again till the day before in Tokyo, I was very concerned if the trees were blooming. Yet we seemed to have enough luck to have such a sunny day, being able to host the participants under a few blooming trees.
One of the biggest gain from this event was that we could present the people how they can join to make a difference in the world without traveling abroad away from Japan, and this is the very essential and the advantage of the House Supporter Project.
Unfortunately, we couldn't raise 360,000 yen that would build a house in Bangladesh as we aimed, but many who joined could learn how and why Habitat for Humanity is needed in the world. Now, we are already looking at the next opportunity for the similar event for further advocacy.
For your reference,
* Good will gathered: about 70 people including volunteers.
* Donations gathered: about \180,000($1500), worth 5 units where 1 house=10 units.
What's the House Supporter Project?
Mimi - Fetlework Nakagawa
Chief Programs Coordinator