200704031042-1.jpg Here is the third report from Noto. Kuroshima is situated alongside the sea of Japan. It used to have a thriving marine industry. The town has a unique design with narrow streets.
The water supply has been interrupted there. People seem to be suffering from this inconvenience since. Water needs to be distributed by handcart and the residents need to use the bathing and bathroom facilities at the evacuation center.
At the evacuation center, a ramen (Japanese noodle) shop van was providing
ramen to the victims.
People were trying to overcome their difficulties and they showed that they were doing fine, overall. However, when we were about to leave, one woman whose son had told her he could not come until next week, began to cry. Something she had been holding back had been let loose. Although she was trying to bravely deal with the situation on her own, it was apparent she had some worries and fears.
There were not as many volunteers during the weekend, but there were enough hands. I heard that a group of students from Kanazawa University will arrive tomorrow to help the victims.
◆Past reports:
- Noto Earthquake Relief: Second Report
- Noto Earthquake Relief: First Report
- Help Needed: Disaster Relief for the Noto Earthquake