【4/24(木)ボランティア募集!!/We are recruiting volunteers for Thursday, April 24】
If you would like to participate in this volunteer program, please note the details and precautions below.
ハビタット・ジャパンでは、東京都内で住環境の改善に向けた国内居住支援プログラム「プロジェクトホームワークス(PHW: Project HomeWorks)」を展開しています。
Habitat Japan's Project HomeWorks (PHW), a domestic housing support program to help the vulnerable populations in Tokyo by upgrading their living environments.
In our neighborhood, there are people who have difficulty cleaning up by themselves. For example, due to old age or disabilities, it might be difficult for some to clean up their rooms, sometimes resulting in poor hygiene. Some also find it difficult to move heavy items, which might pose difficulties for them. In our activities, we visit homes and talk with our beneficiaries in need of a decent place to live, helping them with necessary cleaning and moving heavy items.
ボランティア活動詳細 Details of volunteer activities
【参加条件/Requirement to join】
- 参加時点で18歳以上、および下記注意事項を遵守し、ご参加いただける方
- セーフガーディング、および行動規範、及びボランティア参加の免責合意規約・誓約規約に同意いただける方
The minimum age for volunteers is 18 years old on the date of the session and volunteers must agree to Habitat Japan's "Release and Waiver of Liability" , “Safeguarding” and submit the virtually signed waiver by email prior to the volunteer session day.
【集合時間/Time to meet】
2025年4月24日(木) 午前10時15分 / 10:15AM Thursday, April 24 in Shinjuku
※For the protection of our home partner's personal information, we will inform you of the meeting place after your application by email.
【参加費/Participation Fee】
無料 Free
【スケジュール(予定)/Schedule (tentative)】
10:15 活動場所近隣に集合(新宿区を予定) Gather at the meeting spot (Shinjuku area)
10:30 活動開始 Start of volunteer session
12:30 活動終了 Stop working
13:00 までに 解散 Leave the work site by 1PM
【ボランティア保険について/About the volunteer insurance】
Habitat Japan has a volunteer insurance policy that covers everyone who participates in our activities. There is no extra charge for volunteers. In order to be covered by the insurance, please make sure to enter your name, address, and contact information in the application form below. For more information about the insurance, please click HERE.
- 防護服を着用して活動します。防護服はスタッフが持参します。
- マスク着用必須 Mask required
- 汚れてもいい 動きやすい服装(長ズボン、スニーカー、靴下をご着用ください)
Comfortable clothes that you don't mind getting dirty (please wear long sleeves, long pants, sneakers, and socks)
Wear comfortable clothes that you don't mind getting dirty (long sleeves, long pants, sneakers, and socks)
【持ち物/What to bring】
- 着替えや替えのマスク等(任意) A change of clothes and a spare mask (optional)
- 飲料水(目安:500mlボトル1本) Drinking water (one 500ml bottle recommended )
- 貴重品等をを身に着けて活動できるようなリュックや小さいポシェット等 A backpack or small bag to carry your valuables in.
- (推奨)帽子(埃っぽいため)、室内履き
ボランティア活動参加 注意事項
- すべてのボランティアは例外なく、ハビタット・ジャパンのセーフガーディング、および行動規範、及びボランティア参加の免責合意書・誓約書に同意いただける方が対象です。
- ボランティアは18歳以上の方を対象とします。
- ボランティア本人が所属する学校や団体、企業などが定めるガイドラインを遵守し、仮にハビタットの活動がそのガイドラインに則さない場合は、活動参加を自粛してください。
- ボランティア当日、37.5℃以上の発熱がある方、あるいは感染症や風邪の疑いがある症状のある方は、ご参加いただけません。
- ボランティア活動は少人数で実施するため、お申し込みいただいてもお断りする場合もありますのでご了承ください。
- ホームパートナーさんの急な体調不良等により、活動が急遽変更や中止になる可能性があります。場合によっては活動中止の連絡が当日になってしまうこともありますのでご了承ください。
- All volunteers, without exception, must review, sign, and submit the Volunteer Release and Waiver Form and “Safeguarding” prior to participating in any activity.
- All volunteers must be over 18 years old.
- Volunteers must abide by the guidelines of schools, organizations, companies, etc. to which they belong, and refrain from participating in our volunteer activities if they do not comply with those guidelines.
- Volunteers who have a fever of 37.5°C or higher on the day of volunteering, or who have symptoms of suspected COVID infection will not be allowed to participate.
- Please note that the number of volunteers is limited and we may not be able to meet your request.
- There is a possibility that activities may be suddenly changed or canceled due to the sudden illness of the beneficiaries. Please note that in some cases, we may only be able to notify you of the cancellation on the day of the activity.
ボランティア参加申し込み Volunteer Sign-up Form
If you are interested in joining our volunteer activities after reading and agreeing to the above details and precautions, please apply using the form below.