rsz_dsc_0080.jpgOn 27-28 September, Habitat for Humanity Japan hosted a camp in Gotemba, Shizuoka for Campus Chapter members. The thme for the 6th annual Youth Camp was "Communicate and Connect: Envisioning the future of CCs," As if to represent the theme, as many as 180 students and alumni gathered for the weekend of learning and friendship.

Students from all over Japan participated in activities prepared by Habitat Japan. Many enjoyed rare opportunities to interact with students from other CCs located far from their own.


The second day was mainly dedicated to a simulation and workshop; students were divided into small groups and discussed what the future of CCs may be and how they can harness the potential. As the number of CCs in Japan steadily grows - now at 31 - students found the activity to be "very relevant and enlightening."

The camp was a success thanks to the cooperation of the participating students and alumni. Participants left Gotemba with new friendships, hopes and ideas for the future of CCs, and renewed determination to play a part in combating the problem of poverty housing.
