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srilankacurry_20110712.jpgWhen working at a site of international aid, meals become important factor. As curry and rice are staple food in Sri Lanka, curry's good smell always drifts from kitchen when I go back to the place I stay.
However, I'm so weak in spicy food. I became worried whether there would be any dish I can eat when I came to Sri Lanka. Having smarted lip and stomach, I am struggling with chili pepper.
The chili pepper is an indispensable spice for the Sri Lanka dish, and everybody cultivate it at the corner of their own garden. In Mannar district where the civil war had ended and resettlement started, and in Batticaloa district where they are damaged by flood, people cultivate green and red chili while having poverty life. The chili pepper becomes a few sources of incomes as well as being consumed at home.
chiliandsrilanka_2011078(1).jpgThough I do not like chili pepper, thinking of how it supports people's life in various meanings, I feel I shouldn't lose with chili pepper because I decided to come to Sri Lanka to support people's life as well.
Roshan, a local driver working with me just eaten heaped curry and rice by forming the shape well by hand. The Spicy is vitality of Sri Lankan and supporting the country from the background.