On August 8th, Sparkling Summer Charity Recital was held with performances by up-and-coming musicians, Mayu Kishima (violin) and Kyoko Sasaki (piano) at Oakwood Premier Tokyo Midtown. Celebrating its 50th anniversary of foundation, this recital was realized as a part of social action program by Oakwood Premier Tokyo Midtown, a company that provides apartment services in about 30 countries. Cool and breezy sound enchanted the audience in the midst of hot summer days, whomever they are and wherever they come from.

Oakwood Premier Tokyo Midtown has agreed to donate Habitat Japan 35,000 yen (US$420) from sale proceeds and the whole amount will be used towards the next spring's house building program in Thailand which Habitat Japan is supporting. Habitat Japan wishes to express gratitude for Oakwood Premier Tokyo Midtown for their kind contributions.