Help Haiti Rebuild. Donate Now
Relief and rehabilitation activities being underway
10 months after a magnitude-7.0 earthquake destroyed nearly 190,000 homes, the need in Haiti is still great and undeniable. 1.5 million survivors are homeless and displaced. Many families are broken or temporarily separated. Many children are now orphans with no resources.

■Quake survivors kept homless in "Tent cities"
Habitat has continued its rehabilitation effort and is now constructing about 70 shelters a week providing safe, dry housing for Haitians living in unhealthy, venerable conditions. At the same time, Habitat has provided more than 21,000 emergency shelters kits and conducted 2,000 structural damage assessments.
Habitat's three-fold response benefiting affected families
Habitat has built over 900 transitional shelters in Cabaret and Léogâne (approx.450 for each) since April. Habitat's transitional shelters are part of a larger initiative coordinated by the UN Haiti Shelter Cluster to provide a total of 125,000 transitional shelters by summer 2011, providing a safe place to live for approximately 625,000 people. The cost ranges from US$1,500 to 3,000 for each shelter.

■Newly built shelters in Léogâne
Emergency shelter kits that Habitat has distributed 21,000 units in Port-au-Prince and Léogâne, are now considered for Carrefour and Jacmel, with the corporation of many aid organizations financing and handling the distribution. (See pictures from HERE.)
Also, Habitat is also performing structural damage assessments in affected houses and advising families whether their home is livable, needs repairs or should be demolished. With a UN-Habitat grant, Habitat' plans to assess 15,000 houses by the end of 2010, in areas hit hard by the earthquake: Port-au-Prince, Léogâne, Cabaret and Jacmel.
Habitat is commited to serving 50,000 families in Haiti over the next 5 years. To implement and expand its recovery efforts, Habitat has established community-based Habitat Resource Centers (HRCs). They are currently operational in 5 areas: Léogâne, Cabaret, Cap-Haïtien-Gonaïves and Hinche, employing local workers and providing them with training for building shelters to enhance local rehabilitation capacity and employment opportunities (Haiti's unemployment rate is above 60%), while supplying families with courses for disaster mitigation and financial literacy. Based on funding, more centers are planned in Port-au-Prince and other locations such as Carrefour, Croix-des-Bouquets and Jacmel.

■Habitat Resource Center in Léogâne
◆Back Number
2010.05.19 Transitional Solutions & Resource Centers
2010.04.25 More 13,000 Shelter Kits Ahead of the Peak of the Rainy Season
2010.04.05 Test Builds for Transitional Shelters
2010.03.19 8,000 Shelter Kits Arriving in Haiti !
2010.02.17 Habitat Core Houses
2010.02.10 Multi-phase Strategy of Habitat's Response in Haiti
2010.02.05 Habitat Starts Distributing Emergency Shelter Kits
2010.01.26 Establishing Habitat Resource Centers
2010.01.21 Habitat's Response to Haiti Quake Relief
2010.01.14 Habitat Japan to Raise Funds for Haiti Quake Reliefs