Hi, this is Makiko Nakakita, an intern at HFHJ.
Hearing people exclaiming, “Bring a hand of love to the disadvantaged”, on the streets or on TV makes me feel unpleasant but I never do something to know why I feel this way. However, I find the answer accidentally during this internship. I found out that there are many things in the places which the Global village’s participants go that I do not have in my normally life. A student in one GV video says, “I go to give but at the end I receive”, when I saw the lighting-up of the student face my heart feel really warm that I can not describe it in words.
I have a narrow outlook on things and I always busy with myself, but there are persons giving, receiving and sharing things that each other need, just knowing this reality I was really impact.
This is my last day. Everyday was dense and new so those 10 days was not too long either too short.
My goal during this time was to do my maximum effort, to asking and make clear everything that I do not understand, to be positive and to do not make the same mistakes. Even though those could be indifferent things for some, those are important for me, who do not know much of the world, and it is because those were my goal. During those days, I could achieve this propose, learn many things, and feel that I grow up. I have really wonderful days here.
I heard that most of the students who came here were participants of the global village program, but I want that people like me who do not have any experience came as an intern or volunteer and discover lot of new things.I not only get experience in the business side as an intern but also I enrich one’s worldview. Though this experience I acquire confidence and become interest in this area and in order to improve it I will learn everything with a broad outlook from today.
Thank you very much.