In the office of Habitat for Humanity Japan many students join the office during their summer vacations. We interview some of the students who are joining the office this year. (By student volunteer: Keyko Gomez and Rui Shimodaira)
【Why you get interesting in Habitat?】
They form part of the office as an internship or volunteer staff through their University programs. Most of them choose Habitat because it is one of a big international volunteer organization in Japan. In the case of Ms. Okumura, she was already a participant of a Campus Chapter (Student organization of Hfhj) so now she decided to join the office. Ms. Shimodaira is studying architecture, she become interesting in Habitat mainly because they build houses and decided to join Habitat Office.

【At the office】
The work at Habitat office is not so different from a normal office (Write articles, traducing, check e-mails, etc). However, students enjoy communicating a lot with the office staff and between them. Habitat Office in Japan is a very small one so they want to help as much as they can.
Lee soo Hye                 Gomez Keyko                
(19years, Korea, University in Usa)    ( 20years, Peru, Temple University)

【What is be involved in volunteer activities for you?】
Some students start to know what is to be a volunteer when join Habitat office, others were involved in volunteer activities in many ways before so they now about it already. Those started participating in activities which provide an aid to the elderly, disabled persons and the children of poor countries. Since then, those actions triggered them to be interesting and be involved in volunteer activities. Also they change the way they feel and think about a lot of things.
Ms. Soo Hye share with us that after she was involved in volunteer activities, she feel that she was useful in helping people, it make she has confidence and change the way she view the world.
Ms. Rui says that before she was involved in volunteer activities she though that "volunteer is hold it down", but after she started to do volunteer activities she realize that "volunteer is a pleasure to help for us".
Ms. Keyko feels that she wants to help as many people are doing now after she participates in volunteer activities. Also she realizes that there are many things (such our meal, the love from our parents, etc) that it is not common or natural for many people in different places, so now she appreciate lot of things more that before.
They start to join the office to can contribute with even one person. As they did, everybody can start to be involved in volunteer activities in one's own backyard. It will be a wonderful experience which can make you value the connections with many people and make you grow up as a person. Enjoy!