Jakarta Disaster Response
Habitat for Humanity Indonesia (HFH Indonesia) is requesting your support on the disaster response efforts.
Friday morning, 02 February 2007, after hours of heavy rain 70% of Jakarta and the surrounding area has been flooded. Local media are reporting that more than 100,000 houses and 290,000 people were affected in 38 sub-districts of Jakarta and 11 sub-districts of Bekasi. These numbers will increase daily, if the rain continues as has been forecasted.
HFH Indonesia has launched a campaign named “1 Million, 1 Family, 1 House" in response, along with the emrgency relief activities. 1 million rupees (about 14,000 yen) will cover the cost of several parts of a house, such as doors, windows and roofings.
Your kind contribution in support of this program would be highly appreciated. Below is the account information for the fund transfers.
Account Number: 00100-2-278431
Account Holder: HFH Japan
Bank name: Mitsui Sumitomo Bank, Nakano-Sakaue Branch Office
Account Number: 4180738 (Savings)
Account Holder: トクヒ) ハビタット フォー ヒューマニティ ジャパン
* Once the transfer is completed, please notify us that your donations funds are meant for the Jakarta Flood Relief. Also, please include your name and contact information. Kindly note that more than 80% of your donation would be sent to Indonesia, but HFH Japan will deduct up to but no more than 20% for administrational costs.