Safety management

The safety and well-being of our volunteers is our priority

Habitat Japan only dispatches volunteers have fulfilled to hosting Habitat countries that have fulfilled strict safety criteria. The hosting countries, in turn, conduct safety orientations and volunteers work under the supervision of skilled construction staff. All volunteers are required to enroll in mandatory medical insurance. Despite these safety measures, there is always the chance of unforeseen circumstances such as civil unrest in a hosting country which may warrant a change in date or destination of a build in order to safeguard our volunteers. We ask for your understanding and cooperation in such cases.

Habitat Japan's Decision Making Process

Each Habitat for Humanity affiliated National Office share the standards set forth by Habitat for Humanity Headquarters for various aspects of program implementation. From hotels to emergency response procedures, Habitat for Humanity International (HFHI) observes thorough standards. In accordance to HFHI, Habitat for Humanity area offices, of which Habitat Japan belongs to Habitat Asia Pacific (located in Manila, Philippines), make decisions on whether or not to implement programs based on safety and security concerns. Program cancelation as a result of conditions in a hosting (destination) country is based on the following criteria:

  • Government advisories: If three or more benchmark government bodies issue an advisory against non-essential travel to a given country or region, the volunteer program in that country/region will be cancelled immediately.
  • Advisories by the government of the sending country: If the government of a sending country advises its citizens to avoid non-essential travel to a country/region the volunteer program in that country will be cancelled immediately.

Habitat Japan does not dispatch volunteers to countries that have a level 2 advisory or higher (Avoid Non-essential travel) from the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Travel advisories

Visit the below-listed links to review travel advisory and risk information.

Health management

Habitat for Humanity International cannot offer specific health advice, and is not in a position to recommend medications or immunizations, nor do we have any medical requirements for participation in the Global Village program. In these situations, we recommend that Global Village team members review the following websites as well as their personal physicians, and determine individually what preventative health measures to take.