On November 9th, 2024, 18 members of ASM in Japan and 11 students from Habitat Japan’s college campus chapters volunteered to pick up trash around the Bott Memorial Home, a children’s home in Machida city.

As part of Habitat Japan’s Facility Repair Program, we have partnered with ASM to improve the living environment at the Bott Memorial Home. This time, with the direct support of volunteers from ASM and youth volunteers, a joint community cleanup was held.

Under sunny skies volunteers gathered at the nearby Tadao Sports Park. There, they mixed into teams and walked their own individual routes from the park to Bott Home and back, picking up trash all along the way. The cleanup benefited not only the local community, but also acted as a learning opportunity for participants to learn about the invaluable role that children’s homes play, and the ups and downs of their operation during a visit with Mr. Hayashi, the head of the home.

After almost two hours of cleanup, each volunteer team arrived back where they started at the park carrying enough litter to fill a large trash bag each. The cleanup wrapped up with an award ceremony, where each team, tasked with plotting a course to draw one or more hearts while were given a ranking in friendly competition—a competition thought up by student organizers. Student volunteers commented that the event was fun and a valuable opportunity not only to interact with working adults and hear new points of view, but also to learn more about children's homes through the event program.

With the substantial support of ASM, Habitat Japan is proceeding with plans to build a craft room for children living at the home to experience classes on arts and crafts and more. For supporting this project and lending a hand to the Bott Home directly as volunteers, we offer everyone at ASM our deepest thanks.