This spring, 245 volunteers formed 17 teams to build homes throughout Asia on the Global Village (GV) program. Student teams departed to join hands and support those in need of safe and decent housing in Cambodia, India, Indonesia, The Philippines, and Vietnam. One team from Doshisha University, “Aponru GV”, had the unique opportunity to visit the sites of homes in Cambodia that team leader Takenori Katayama built alongside a Doshisha U. team last year. Takenori wanted to meet the family he he worked hard to build with last year, and see what kind of life the families were living once their Habitat homes were completed. When approached through Habitat Cambodia, the Chanty and Naron households happily offered to share firsthand their memories, thoughts, and the benefits that Habitat homes offer.

①: Do you have any memories from building together with last year's GV team?

Chanty: "It was the first time I'd ever interacted with foreigners. I remember working with the team that came from abroad, and I treasure the photos we took together."

Naron: "My most lasting memory is from carrying bricks together with volunteers, talking a lot and laughing together."

②: How did you feel the day your new home was finished?

Chanty: I felt a lot of things change for the better all at once. We were warmly welcomed, and I felt very happy. I’m most happy that I don’t have to worry about storms anymore.

Naron: I was so happy when I first moved in. My new house is so comfortable and so safe. It's a relief compared to my old house.

③: How has your livelihood changed compared to before your new home was finished?

Chanty: I've gained safety, security. My old house didn’t have a lock, and I was worried that burglars would come if I left it. My new house has a sturdy door with a lock, so I have nothing to worry about. It also has a proper toilet, kitchen, and even space for the children to study. 

Naron: Many things have changed. I've gained a shelter. It's comfortable, safe, and an overall great environment. Everything's better than before. If there was a flood in our old house, unsanitary water would come up from the ground and I was afraid of becoming sick. But in the new house, this worry is gone! I've also been able to create better relationships with my neighbors and make new friends. I didn't have space in my old house, but now that I do I have a lot of guests over.

④: Has your relationship with your family changed since your house was built?

Chanty: Compared to our last house, we’re coming together a lot more. We couldn’t use parts of our old house during rain and storms, so we all had to stay in separate places. In our new home, we’re all able to stay inside and stay safe together. I look forward to waking up and having breakfast with my family every day!

Naron: In the old house, I was worried about leaving the kids alone going to work, but our new house has a lock so I have peace of mind that they can stay safe inside. Going to bed, I would always worry whether or not a storm would come while we slept. In the new house, we can sleep with peace of mind. I'm overjoyed to see my kids in a safe place to study and grow.

⑤: What do you think about our work?

Chanty: Everyone’s doing good work. It’s amazing that these volunteers spend their time and money to help us build a decent house. You’re supporting not just us, but those in need of shelter in other communities and even other countries. I hope that Habitat and volunteers will keep this program going for a long time.

Naron: I think it is a very good activity. Because it supports all kinds of people who need a home.

After revisiting the families, Takenori told us he was happy to learn that Habitat and volunteers like him didn't just support individual families, but the development of greater communities as well. The homes Takenori's team built last year have become places not only for families to rest, but help lead many people to find stable and rich foundations for health, study, and happiness. The families that Takenori's team reunited with are just one example of the many that Habitat has supported through the years. Through the global village program, volunteers realize Habitat's mission, bringing people together to build homes, communities, and hope. Thank you to the members of "AponruGV" for sharing their insights gained reuniting with Habitat homeowners.